How Much Should I Invest in a Stock?

by Jul 30, 2020Personal Finance

Admittedly, this blog will only appeal to the money nerds in the Vet Financial Summit tribe.

So if you base your decision to invest $X in a particular stock on a gut feeling, the alignment of the moon with the sun or a round number, feel free to skip this.

If you’d like a more scientific approach, then read on. It might sound super complicated, but we promise we’re going to take it step by step.

Step 1: In order to limit your downside (i.e. the amount you risk losing), you may want to consider using a stop loss. Many smart financial writers suggest a 25% trailing stop, and we tend to agree it’s a reasonable number for most investors.

Step 2: Then it’s a good idea to decide how much of your total portfolio you’re willing to lose on a given trade. Again, we agree with very wise financial writers who suggest 1% of your total portfolio. This is your “capital at risk”.

Step 3: The next step is to figure out how much to invest in a particular trade (usually a particular stock). This is called your position or position size.

OK, this is where it gets a tiny bit complicated. But honestly, if you’ve gone through vet school, you can handle the math!

Here is the magic formula: divide the number in step 2 by the number in step 1. Both a percentage.

Capital at risk / Trailing stop loss = Position size

In our example, 1% / 25% = 0.04 or 4%.

In plain English, this means that if you invest 4% of your portfolio in a particular stock, and you limit your downside with a 25% trailing stop, the most you could lose is 1% of your portfolio.

Are you with us so far?

Let’s take a real-life example… with a made-up stock: Acme Litter Boxes (ALB), which trades for $40.

How many shares should you buy?

Without a system, how do you decide? 5 shares? 17? 24? 50? 500?

With this system, it’s simple math.

Let’s say you have a $100,000 portfolio (remember, this is just an example, it doesn’t matter what the real number is!).

Step 1: Since your trailing stop is 25%, you will sell the shares if their price falls to $15 ($20 minus 25% or $5 equals $15).

Step 2: We agreed that you are willing to lose 1% of your portfolio, i.e. $1,000.

Step 3: Capital at risk / Trailing stop loss = Position size

We already calculated that your position size was 4%, and 4% of your total portfolio ($100,000) is $4,000.

Now remember, Acme Litter Boxes (ALB) trades for $40, so to know how many shares to buy, all you have to do is divide $4,000 by the share price ($40). You would then buy 100 shares.

Simple enough?

Many financial gurus suggest keeping a log of all your trades, so you can learn as you progress in your financial journey.

You may want to consider doing that on a computer or in a simple notebook.

After you’ve done the math a few times, this will all become second nature.

Phil Zeltzman, DVM, DACVS
Meredith Jones, DVM
Co-Founders of Veterinary Financial Summit

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